Monday, December 12, 2011

First film with Solar energy in India

The prasad imaxcinemaslocated in the city of Hyderabadin the Indian State of andhra pradesh, will be the first in the country self-sufficient in electricity generating solar energy..

prasad imax has installed solar panels on the roofs of its building to obtain a 100KWp photovoltaic power generation system. The installation is constructed to withstand the strong winds and other weather, and has a guaranteed life of 25 years. With solar energy obtained it will supply electricity for lighting and displays complex, generating a significant energy savings.
This step has become the first "green" of the India cinema, and continues to demonstrate that it is one of the leading companies in this market (already holds the record for IMAX 3D the world's largest screen). Being a place of encounter and recreation for thousands of families and young people, this undertaking of prasad imax will surely serve to put into the public's attention the importance of the use of renewable energy sources.  

View the original article here