Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Pearl, Solar energy at home
Called under Eco-Arquitectura, the combination of a sustainable building with ways to generate a power using clean energyself-sufficiency, which sometimes is applied from the design itself, and on other occasions is done after the reforms.
On this occasion, we run into the design by David fanchon, carried out a house in the form of dome and that in addition to being surrounded by a large amount of vegetation, known as the pearl.
It has a very modern minimalist design, that it is intended to convert from heat of solar energy in its energyself-sufficiency.
To keep adding flashy details, its roof has been made in the form of dome, and covered entirely by solar panels, as well as having very used nowadays, materials metal on its periphery that dissipate and reversed the heat, avoiding the use of air conditioning or at least that it can be used on very few occasions.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tower Plastikoleum recycles plastics
On this occasion, we have before us a pharaonic project named Plastikoleum, which basically consists of a tower for the transformation of plastic in oil, i.e. reverse its manufacturing process.
Its inventor, akinori Ita, has promised that it is possible to generate 1 liter of oil using 1 kilogram of plastic, which can be later refined into gasoline, kerosene, or diesel, although of course, this is not a fairy tale, but a large amount of energy is needed.
To do this, and thinking provided that you are looking for is to avoid the consumption of hydrocarbons (otherwise would not have sense such creation) are available to its around an enormous amount of solar panels, which must have a capacity of close to 10 MW of solar energy.
Under these conditions, this tower would have the capacity to produce up to 60 barrels of oil-for-time.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Treepods, trees artificial ecological
But in addition to cleaning the air, these Treepods include solar panels of photovoltaic energy and a system of kinetic energy which collects energy that occurs when using a weight of trees.
This energy that the trees produce is that feeds the process of filtration of the air, but also gives power to a small interior lights that give incandescent appearance to trees at night, allowing to reduce electricity consumption by night lighting.
Including, these trees are constructed from recycled materials and recyclable, and can be recycled in the future if necessary.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Abengoa committed to the environment
Abengoa is a group of companies working in the fields of the energy, telecommunications, transport and the environment.
Currently it launches a new website in which he appealed to the whole of society, calls a daily commitment to the environment, requires greater energy savings.
If you go on your new website you will have access to high quality information, and can read articles and first-hand data.
The theme, which you like, all about the renewable energy and sustainability of a new model which is intended, a system of alternative energy sources that will less damage to the planet, based on natural resources.
Also throw us questions that help us to reflect on the current global system, on how we live and the consequences that can bring us. For example:
Can you imagine what would happen if suddenly stop flow oil or natural gas?
We must bear in mind that in the society in which we live we could classify humans as someone dependent on fossil fuels, actually 80% of the energy we use to level world belong to this variant.
Abengoa has created a space in this new blog so you can communicate all your thoughts on this matter, a place of exchange of knowledge.
You can also access through Twitter and Facebook, and discover other issues such as emerging trends in alternative energy, the consequences of the climate effect or how to get a planet more sustainable.
If you want to let us present your products, catalogs and announcements, we have advertising space to ensure that they reach all our readers. Write to contact Blogsfarm.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
5 Organic vehicles of the future
1. Electric Networked Vehicle or in-v.
Developed by General Motors and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. It can be operated both manually and automatically. There is capacity for two occupants. It uses Li-ion battery electric motors which provide a range of 40 km with a single recharge. It has system GPS navigation, wireless communication of latest technology, sensors and built-in cameras to minimize the risk of accidents.
RoBoCar is an electric car , whose design belongs to the Japanese automotive ZMP. More detailed characteristics include its system of autonomous management comprising computer on board, integrated speed sensors, a unit of measurement of inertia and laser rangefinder.
3 EV 2020
EV 2020, creation of industrial designer robin long has without doubt one of the most striking designs to be completely spherical. It has multiple applications to allow a totally reliable Automatic driving : sensors and processors, GPS navigation, among others. It is powered by the I-nav driver system management system and rechargeable batteries.
4 AXI Robot Taxi
Creation of the industrial designer Peter kubik, axi Robot Taxi aims to be the taxi in the morning. It has two seats and a small baggage compartment, and - to be auto - has no driver. Extremely compact may be ideal in the streets crowded traffic. It has an electric motor with rechargeable batteries.
5 Guardian Vehicle
To unlike other electric cars futuristic which host one or two passengers, the Guardian is an environmentally friendly vehicle with capacity for 7 occupants (4 adults and 3 children) with a design in the form of lounge, which manages to keep a fairly compact volume in relation to the large number of people who can carry. Designed by john bukasa, guardian vehicle has an engine with Li-ion batteries are recharged with solar energy both electricity. It has a high standard of security measures to avoid collisions. In addition, you will have on his forehead a large touch screen with TV, video and games console.
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Area Movele | Electric vehicles in the generated 2011
Generates2011 Energy and environment international fair organized by IFEMA, will be held from 11 to 13 May 2011 in FERIA of MADRID. IDAE Institute for diversification and energy saving) there will be an area specially dedicated to the sector of electric mobility, whose objective will be to disseminate the Plan of action of the vehicle electric 2010-2012 (Plan movele).
Zone MOVELE you will have a physical space itself GENERATES 2011. There the IDAE meet all kinds of related companies with the electric mobility: vehicle manufacturers, companies installing recharging, energy companies and public and private institutions.
It's definitely a highly recommendable event for those who closely follow latest advances in the field of electric vehicles to access new models and technologies first hand.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Airport Portland energy pump
In recent years has been a turnaround in the obtaining of various renewable energysources, and this has pointed to the so-called geothermal energydevelopment, and on this occasion, applied to the airports, which tend to be one of the axes of increased pollutionnot only by the noise generated by the engines (noise pollution) but also for the enormous amount of CO2 emissions.
On this occasion, the novelty is that it is working on the Airport in Portland (Maine, United States) to begin to develop its own system of Geothermic energy, which would contribute to the generation of heating and air conditioning throughout the building.
Construction would then consist of a series of pipes that would be located at about 150 feet below a parking lot for employees, found a sink with temperatures reaching an average of 55 degrees centigrade in the majority of the year.
If all goes as it has been planned, in warm periods this system would replace the use of air conditioning, while in winter it would replace the boilers for heating of the airport, which would mean further savings of about 140,000 euros a year.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Save water at home
An interesting solution is to apply low flow vents to the faucets of water, causing turbulence in the flow of water and adding air way of reducing the consumption significantly unless we notice major differences in pressure or flow of the water itself.
Thus you can save up half gallon per minute, which is not little, mainly if we take into account that these devices that we apply in the mouths of the taps cost less than $5.
Showers also may benefit from low flow heads that spend less than 2 gallons of water per minute, for low cost and without requiring professional facilities or anything.
Of more Needless to say, that immersion baths are not the best way of saving water and if possible should be reduced to a minimum, since they spend an unnecessary amount of litres of water.
From our homepage you can access all the news, as well as to all the articles of our sections: environment, curiosities...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Solar catamaran
It's Turanor PlanetSolar is the first solar catamaran of 31 meters long, 8.8 metres wide and 7.6 meters high, being a vessel more than imposing, and 100% friendly to the environment.
Used solar panels cover an area of 50 square meters, which is not for nothing little, and provided all of the necessary energy for their operation and storage in batteries.
Use Less Plastic
It is for this reason we should try to avoid using plastic wherever possible to contribute our bit to protect the environment, even if it is from our home.
Use glass or ceramic containers is a good start, as well as bring recyclable or reusable bags to the market, given that plastic bags that we deliver in the markets tend to end up in the trash.
An excellent replacement for these plastic bags are fabric bags, cardboard or friselina, that not only are reusable, but even they can be recycled.
If you drink bottled water, consider the option of the Dewar of filtered water that they come in different sizes (from 10 to 20 liters) and are much more economic.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Wind energy-using affordable alternative energy sources
There is a renewed interest in this free alternative source of energy, thanks to the realization that the world's dependence on fossil fuels big complications, including higher costs and environmental abuses.
What's so great about wind energy? There are many advantages to choosing this alternative energy source:
Wind towers can be built on land or water, making them compatible with most locations
Wind power does not pollute the environment
Wind is a source of renewable energy
No harmful by-products are produced by wind turbines and wind energy
Cheap operation means lower energy costs
To generate electricity, a wind turbine is set to a high tower for the collection of kinetic or motion energy created by the wind. This energy is then converted by the turbines in the kind of electricity that a regular household can use.
For personal residential use, electricity generated by a wind turbine on your roof and the current passing through a local utility combined. Why the need for local power supply when you already have wind energy? Wind speed varies, while smaller wind turbines now effective at wind speeds of 7-10 km per hour, under which, little if no electricity is produced. As a result, pick up the slack local power supplies when the wind power generated is insufficient.
In some cases, you may find that your system generates more power than you can use. If your area qualifies for the "net metering", no excess electricity you generate automatically sold back to the local energy utility, where you receive a payment or credit. Once you set up net meter are, the process automatically.
There are some considerations to take into account before installing wind turbines: location, general weather conditions zoning regulations, size of House and amount of the investment. The wind option works best at high locations and generally windy places. Your home should not be blocked by taller buildings or trees, allowing more wind action to propel the blades of the turbine to generate electricity.
There are two wind turbine types-horizontal axis wind and vertical axis wind turbines. The horizontal axis wind turbine produces more electricity, but must be placed to face the wind. The vertical wind turbine can capture from different directions which makes this turbine a popular option.
For the home, can wind turbines rated five to 15 kilowatts offer significant quantities of electricity. A turbine can be very large, or for home use, small turbines with a diameter measuring one meter or less is desirable. Unless you are a serious do-it-yourselfer, consider hiring a consultant to give you the best solution for your specific needs to help. An expert can help with wind speed calculations, the best manufacturers, and installation and maintenance.
With all that the wind blows so free, please consider to use the power for your benefit. By converting wind into electricity, you can significantly reduce your residential consumption with 50 to 90 percent.
A consumer guide to alternative energy and reduction of energy consumption on Alternative energy-guide will help you find the best renewable sources for your home and business http://www.affordable-alternative-energy.comon
Friday, June 17, 2011
Nuclear power plant from Asco | New incident
In Erenovable we get not tired of stress that nuclear energy should be replaced by other forms of energy that are cleaner for the environment and safe society. This is evident by the reality. From the great disaster of Fukushima, to numerous nuclear incidents of "low hazard" that occur in the Spanish nuclear power stations and throughout the world. No we cannot continue relying us Atomic Energy.
Precisely, we returned once again this issue in view of a new incident at the Ascó nuclear power plant, listed as a level 1 according to the CSN (Nuclear Safety Commission) and 0 level according to the IFES (international scale of nuclear accidents).
The incident occurred last April 28, when due to a "human error" was opened a motorized valve isolation of sinks, which resulted in the spill of about 25 m3 of radioactive water from the primary coolant system towards the sink. Sinks rebalsaron, leaving a flood on the grounds of the containment of 5 cm, which resulted in 19 workers who were there to be with his feet wet by the contaminated water.
All employees were subsequently analyzed, without radioactive contamination found in none of them. As they explain, "Fortunately" the reactor was stop to recharge, so the concentration of radioactive material was a thousand times lower than normal while it is operating to power.
Therefore, there has been no harm more... "Fortunately"... definitely something that highlights once more the need to strengthen our A LA ENERGIA NUCLEAR non!
Nickel in photovoltaic cells reducira cost of solar energy
And addition, it is expected that this reduction in the cost remains reasonable efficiency photovoltaic cells.
Recently published studies have proven that nickel - a material of low-cost - you can replace the use of gold in certain components of the photovoltaic cells.This change of raw materials would reduce the price cells between 40-80%.
On the application of nanotechnology, has been that the full spectrum of sunlight (visible light and infrared light) in the production of energy can be utilized.This improves performance of solar cells based on components of silicones, since part of the light spectrum is not seized with such technologies.
The team of scientists has reached in initial testing an increase of effectiveness of 5 per cent, and expect reach 10 per cent the commercial launch of this new technology.
The promising results just published were part of an arduous process of research.According to relate some members of the team of research of the University of Toronto, his initial hypothesis that nickel could serve to such processes failed to start.Material nickel blocked the normal flow of current, but then dilucidaron that the incorporation of a nanometer lithium fluoride created a barrier that blocked the original reaction to the expected result.
Solar energy
Undoubtedly solar energy is one of most important renewable energies that exist.Therefore we recommend you not to miss the...
Renewable energy
If you have already seen who we are in erenovable, you may have noticed in that we write on all kinds of renewable energy.It is our passion...
The Protocol is an international agreement in 1997 in the framework of United Nations seeking to curb climate change.One...
Wind energy
Undoubtedly wind energy is one of most important renewable energies that exist.Therefore we recommend you not to miss the...
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
New York extracts energy from waste
The city of New York has decided to put to work to obtain a source of renewable energy on the enormous amount of waste collected daily in the metropolis, but as an initial step, have decided to do about the water waste.
Daily New York citizens generate an amount of 1.300.000.000 gallons of waste water, which in turn originate a quantity of 1,200 tons of trash that eventually end up on landfills and have the quality of being the environment develop a species of algae.
All waste and algae can be removed by the digesters waste plants, and with the respective treatment has been shown that it is possible to get a good amount of butane (a good alternative for gasoline) and on the other hand the methane gas, also usable.
At the moment, methane gas is used to obtain 20% of electricity from the plant although it was decided to make an investment that allows a greater extraction of these materials in order to market them and supply a large part of the city.
Solar, today...
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
New York Solar energy
In addition to generate energy through water waste, the U.S. city of New York is one that more growth had regarding the installation of solar panels, making a strong bid to thus obtain electricity and taking advantage of not needed major changes to the infrastructure full of skyscrapers.
Official data reported that during 2010 have been obtained 4.519 megawatt in New York, adding Westchester, whereas total 203 points, where a large number of photovoltaic solar panels were installed.
Mainly provided energy quantities are as follows:
Queens, 1.538 MWWestchester, 1.148 MWBrooklyn, 861 KWBronx, 677 KWStaten Island, 159 KWManhattan, 136 KW
This contrasts markedly with total 1863 MW were installed in total during the 2009, with proportions similar to the listed facilities.
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Washing machines: tips to save energy and water
Another function of the washing machine that allows to save electricity and water is the half load programme, when we wash our little amount of clothing.
Other models have built-in probes of water that they measure the dirt in the water and detect when it is not necessary to follow recambiando.
There are washing machines termoeficientes possessing independent hydrants for cold water and hot water, which is taken from the health, achieving significant energy savings and significantly shortening circuit washing time.
When we start to investigate how consumes a washing machine, it is that a large part of the energy used is going to heat water, reaching up to 80 or 85%. It is therefore very important to use low temperature programs to regular washings, and leave the high temperatures for very dirty clothes. Another not minor point is to choose good detergents, especially those that have enzymes that work at low temperatures to remove the dirt.
Here you have some other simple tips that will help further reduce your consumption of water and energy:
When drying, use the Sun! But, it is preferable to use centrifuges and no dryers, which latter consumed much more. Use descalcificantes and remember to regularly clean your washing machine filter to remove impurities and lime. This you will be kept in good condition, and will work more efficiently. If you have hired for your home rate with discrimination time, try to put the washing machine in the hours of discount.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
Volkswagen Aqua concept
On this occasion, bring you a design that has been awarded by the China's Car Design Awards, for his ability to not only be a water vehicle, but also has the gift to mobilize across the snow, and that would have supported nothing more and nothing less than a major automotive group.
With this introduction, we presented to volkswagen aqua, a concept which in future may be a luxury vehicle, manufactured in a lightweight and durable enough material, and a more futuristic design, with a combination of clean energy.
The primary engine would be powered by an efficient stack of hydrogen, which would also put into operation the system of inflation that it gives you the power of floating in the water, while the rear employs a number of electric motors that are responsible for the acceleration and directional control.
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Saturday, June 4, 2011
Space solar panels reach Jupiter
The launch of the Juno spacecraft is scheduled to take place from 5 to 26 August of this year. The Mission's objective is to orbit the poles of Jupiter in order to obtain information on the origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere of the large gaseous planet.
The previous tests have already been filled and the solar panels which contains already have been replegados. The next time that you deploy will be in space, traveling towards Jupiter at a speed of seven miles per second (equivalent to 40555 km/h). Three solar panels it has a size: 2.7 m wide by 8.9 meters long.
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Friday, June 3, 2011
Skylon spacecraft to hydrogen
It is the implementation of the spacecraft Skylon, a project which would be located by a private British company reaction engines limited (REL) which will seek to provide in the future the eternal promise of space tourism, although of course, will do it so using clean energy.
This conceptual ship would use as a means of automotive hydrogen energy, working in combined cycle and offering fuel consumption up to 15 times lower that is eventually used in shipments of special ships today.
It would also add conceptual technology of compressed air engine that take advantage of the heat generated by the ship out of the atmosphere to generate propulsion, with a combustion chamber where mezclaría with liquid hydrogen giving a great energy efficiency.
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Thursday, June 2, 2011
Solar energy: the world's greatest projects.
1. ivanpah Solar electric generating system (ISEGS), in the desert of Mojave (United States). It's a solar plant solar thermal with 173.000 heliostats each of two mirrors. Its installed capacity is 392 MW and is expected to be operational in 2013. Part of the investment is carried forward by Google.
2. Farm plots in the Sahara desert. In the world's largest desert many European countries see a future for its production of solar energy, whose electricity would be transmitted through high tension lines, which would require a huge investment. However, the result would be as - or more-impressive: about 100 GW of electricity by 2050.
3. The Solar park in the world in South Africa, is being planned for that from 2012 will bring to 5 GW of electricity, the equivalent of 10% approximately of consumption in the country. The plant will combine solar panels and mirrors, and will be in the region of North Cape.
4. blythe Solar power Project and beacon Solar energy Projectin California (United States). These two solar plants are developing bend the installed capacity of the country. The first of them will be functioning in six years with a 1 GWproduction, and the second will be opened in three years with a capacity of 250 MW.
5. Solar plant of Mithapur, (India). Located in the region of Gujarat, this new venture of Tata power will be the largest photovoltaic solar Park in the India and expected that its production reached the 50 MW. The venture is more significtivo part of a national project to achieve a total production of 20 GW of total installed capacity of solar power by 2020.
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