Thursday, June 16, 2011

New York extracts energy from waste

It is estimated that a family can generate a minimum of 1.5 kg of waste per day, which in addition to occupying a particular space is thrown into the garbage dumps can be reused if you have the necessary infrastructure for their treatment.

The city of New York has decided to put to work to obtain a source of renewable energy on the enormous amount of waste collected daily in the metropolis, but as an initial step, have decided to do about the water waste.
Daily New York citizens generate an amount of 1.300.000.000 gallons of waste water, which in turn originate a quantity of 1,200 tons of trash that eventually end up on landfills and have the quality of being the environment develop a species of algae.
All waste and algae can be removed by the digesters waste plants, and with the respective treatment has been shown that it is possible to get a good amount of butane (a good alternative for gasoline) and on the other hand the methane gas, also usable.
At the moment, methane gas is used to obtain 20% of electricity from the plant although it was decided to make an investment that allows a greater extraction of these materials in order to market them and supply a large part of the city.

Solar, today...
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