Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Panel Solar 5 Million kWh

Continue the various measures taken in pursuit of the expansion of the Solar photovoltaic energy, that by the time they require a large infrastructure and the use of plenty of space to get the same, and in the United States has been launched a pharaonic project that will continue adding this capability of production energy.

On this occasion, the novelty is in a draft submitted by the firm avidan management, revealed by a recent agreement with the federal authorities of Edison for the creation of a mega structure of solar energy, which already have been launched.

Currently they are covering about 60.968 square meters with different constructions that have allowed the installation of 17.745 solar panels, figure, work according to planned, could generate 5 million kWh per year.
To provide this project is could supply the energy needs of the building of the company (used for the storage of frozen food and canned goods) as well as the houses adjoining, will who is them market the service at a price significantly than the conventional electric network.

View the original article here