Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Solar Panels To The Sun

The Sun is one of the most abundant energy that we have sources, the difficult point is to find ways to use it efficiently. Pursuing this, researchers of Smart Solar international in Tokyo, Japan, have designed a solar panel which has a system to track the Sun as it moves in his tour diary.

The basic component of this new device, is a series of aluminum mirror bar rotating, according to the Sun as it moves across the sky. These mirrors reflect light on a central tube, containing several layers high performance solar cells . Their construction requires a number of much less than the of the photovoltaic panels most common silicon.

By its design features, to avoid overheating also has a device that derives from the excess heat to heat water, giving an additional benefit.

According to its creators, this type of solar panels is capable of producing twice the power than other existing systems. This promise will be able to see her promptly fulfilled as they hope to launch in October in Japan, which is expected to help provide renewable energy to those affected by the tsunami.

View the original article here