Thursday, February 3, 2011

Solar thermal energy

We have talked about different types of energy in our country. Above all I tried to translate into different post some information about renewable energy and energy types that exist.termo1 Solar thermal or solar thermal energy is about harnessing the Sun's energy to produce heat that can be used for cooking food or to heat water, which will be aimed at consumer household and individual. It can also produce mechanical energy which will create electric energy.In addition you can use to feed a machine cooling by absorption, which uses heat instead of electricity to produce cold which can prepare the air of the premises.It is interesting to know also how compact equipment home, for this type of energy used to generate hot water uses, health-oriented.Energía-solar-térmica-de-qué-se-trata There are two types of commonly called facilities heaters: open-circuit and closed-circuit.The open circuit, drinking water passes directly by solar collectors. This system reduces costs and is more efficient.Compact household equipment are typically by a deposit of about 150 litres of capacity and a collector of 2 m. These facilities can provide 90% of the water needs of hot annual for a family of 4 people, depending on the radiation and use.drain back From among the teams more common, we can find: equipment forced circulation, thermosyphon teams, teams with system drain back.

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