Monday, February 14, 2011


November 25, 2008 by usuario81159

Estimated potential of Peru for the generation of electricity with thermal water, geothermal, from energy amounts to approximately 3,000 megawatts (Mw), said today the Deputy Minister of energy, Pedro Gamio.

He pointed out that this amount has been estimated by Japanese experts and announced that in the South of the country already began studies for the generation of electricity in the geothermal fields Borateras and hot in the Department of Tacna.

According to presented pre-feasibility studies, the potential for generation of electricity from both fields amounts to 150 Mw Calientes would provide 100 Mw and Borateros 50 Mw.

"This project is the beginning of the development of a new source of renewable generation is geothermal energy that has several advantages because it is renewable, helps local development and involves a strengthening of the energy infrastructure of South Peru," he told the Andean Agency.

He stressed that these geothermal energy projects help develop a Springs ecotourism project in the area. They would enhance agriculture to provide her appropriate water to remove heavy metals they contain water used in the project, and it would expand the agricultural boundary.

"The most important thing is that it is a source of cheap power that a central Diesel 2 or Residual, and never dries", he stressed.

The Deputy Minister referred Peru annually need 300 additional Mw, the growth in demand for electricity.

It noted guarantees a rate of internal return 14% according to project pre-feasibility Borateros and hot.

"If one includes the component of clean development, i.e. the carbon bond, which is a very important financial lever has the developed world to support renewable energy projects and reduce the emission of gaseous pollutants in planet Earth, the internal rate of return could be to 20 percent", explained.

The project is financing the Bank for international cooperation of Japan (JBIC) and the Organization of the trade outside of Japan (Jetro), as well as the Ministry of energy and mines (MEM).

Project pre-feasibility, Enrique Lima company West Japan Engineering Consultants, stated that the investment required to build the hot geothermal electricity generation plants would be 130 million dollars and Borateros 100 million.

He said that 30 years of operation of the plant would achieve savings of 60 percent compared to one that uses natural gas, therefore, in the long term its operation is much cheaper.

However, the initial investment would be very high for the intervention of a private investor and the Japan Government could fund its construction through credits.

Lima also estimated that the potential of geothermal energy in Peru could conservatively supply 50 percent of the needs of electricity in the country amounting to 6,000 Mw.

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