Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hitachi designs independent of neodymium high efficiency industrial engines

Companies around the world are working around some export restrictions which China has imposed when it comes to rare-earth minerals. China supplies the world currently with 90 per cent of all rare earth elements and with increasing restrictions and prices always on-the-fly, the wise road ahead for manufacturers would be replace the use of these elements that is never possible.

Industrial motors of high efficiency use neodymium magnets and insofar as it contains elements of rare earths, Hitachi develops new engine no longer depend on neodymium.

Hitachi develops high-efficiency engine without using neodymium

Hitachi aims to bring these new industrial high efficiency motors which are at the same time with those who use neodymium in 2014. For those unaware, an engine consist of the stationary core, called the stator and the rotating part that is quite properly called the rotor.

Instead of using the current Hitachi magnet is using an amorphous metal for the iron core. This is combined with a Ferrite magnet for the part of the rotor of the motor.

 The combination gives an engine that is as energy-efficient as that currently uses a neodymium magnet to the rotor.

Changing the method of processing of amorphous metal used in the core of the stator and changing the design of the engine in general, Hitachi and Hitachi industrial equipment systems have devised the perfect combination that not to lose power and help produce cheaper engines because they don't have to worry about the use of rare-earth metal already.

 The efficiency of the newly developed engines IE4, which is an indication that they are in fact as efficient as any other on the planet today.