Sunday, July 10, 2011

Abengoa committed to the environment

Abengoa is a group of companies in the areas of energy, telecommunications, transport and environment with a commitment to clear.
Abengoa launches an appeal through their new website which claimed the need for a daily commitment with which the society raise awareness and promote energy saving.
In his new blog you will find information actual and updated, you can access articles and data on renewable energy. And also read about the sustainability of a new energy model.

This model is based on the use of natural resources in order to obtain alternative energy systems even more environmentally friendly with the Earth.
From Abengoa they pelt us with a question that can certainly leave you speechless:
Can you imagine what would happen if suddenly stop flow oil or natural gas?
Do not forget that today's society is absolutely dependent on fossil fuels in order to keep life to which we have easily become accustomed.
Now we enter data of your website and only to inform you that fossil fuels are more than 80% of global energy demand.
In this blog you can find all kinds of information explained in a manner directly and openly: what effect has a deforestation or a volcanic eruption, the excessive consumption of light,: