Monday, January 16, 2012

The volatile

This is generically called toxic volatile to those compounds or natural substances that are propagated in the form of steam, being contained in a solid support, and under conditions of temperature, pass easily to its gaseous state, being generally inhaled and ingested to a lesser extent.

The most frequent and causing increased number of poisoning in the world are as follows:
CO - CarbonoCNH monoxide - acid CianhídricoCH2O - FormolNH3 - AmoníacoSH2 - acid SulfúricoAlcoholes Metílicos, Etílicos and similaresSolventes organic - ethers, aldehydes, CetonasCompuestos Bencénicos - toluene, BencenoSolventes Clorados - MetiloCompuestos Nitrogenados - nitrobenzene, Nitrotolueno chloride, chloroform, ethyl chloride

At the same time, there are a large amount of Gas pollutants are found in varied concentrations in the environment, being inhaled and producing chronic and acute, depending on the degree of exposure, damage causing disorders not only to the Respiratory system, but also to other vital organs.
The most common compounds found are as follows: