Scientists from the University of Stanford have developed a new process, simultaneously combines light and solar heat to generate electricity. Its primary importance is that it is estimated that this new method could be more than twice the efficiency that delivers current technology in solar panels.
Stanford who participated in the research engineers have called this process P.E.T.E. (original name in English: "photon enhanced thermionic emission").But apart from the increase in efficiency, P.E.T.E. Another great advantage: the reduction of the cost of production of solar energy.Both benefits (more efficiently for less cost) unregulated competition with oil as a source of energy.
Currently used in the solar photovoltaic technology becomes less efficient as the temperature increases. Unlike her P.E.T.E. processworks best at high temperatures, above the 200 degrees celsius. For this reason, the new process works better parabolic dishes that rooftop solar panels.
The materials needed to build a device that works with this new technology are inexpensive and are easily achieved.This allows you to be one of alternative clean energy can be used by a large number of people.
Science Daily
More information in:
Stanford University
Journal Nature materials
Detail of a small device to process P.E.T.E in Science Daily
Categorias:Solar, cover Tags: Tags: progress, science, energy efficiency, solar energy, innovation, solar panels, pete, dishes parabolicos, process, stanford, technology, University
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