Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alternative energy is the future of green energy?

President Bush has called for a 22% increase in the Federal grants for research and development of alternative energy. Unfortunately, the world's thirst for oil is growing, not diminish. Is one of the biggest problems of a transition to alternative energy that higher oil and gas prices to stimulate the economy through increased employment of the employees of the industry and the supply of services and of support of the oil industry and oil company profits that lucrative keep stocks on Wall Street. So, when prices are rising, companies and employees and contractors are not always inclined to look for alternatives. But if oil production starts off as a scientist and oil executives to predict, our wide range problems, especially when it comes to transport-cars, planes, trains and ships for which there is no alternative is ready for petroleum-based fuels.

Cambridge Energy Research Associates speculate that peak oil will after 2020, but a number of oil geologists and executives predict that it will happen much faster.According to a controversial new model developed by a Swedish physicist, global oil production will peak sometime next year until 2018 and then refuse. While the amount of the new technologies and infrastructures need to be developed and built is staggering, the Corporation company after springing up all over the world, helped by the various Governments tax cuts and discount incentives, the Mission of the alternative energy.

Alternative or "green" energy more and more profitable for investors and potential employers and the continuing problems-brewing in the Middle East, Nigeria and other areas that are of interest to the oil economy have made it clear that we Americans to the development of new routes for energy supply and production. Furthermore, claims that the petrochemical processing and use contribute to the warming of the world's population demand for switching to alternative forms of energy to reduce damage to the atmosphere.

Sustainable energy resources that is currently being developed, which can act as alternatives to massive amounts of oil and coal, bio-fuels of things such as corn, soybeans, sugar cane and sophisticated hydropower technology, natural gas, hydrogen, fuel cells, the further development of nuclear power plants, the further development of solar energy, photovoltaic cells, more research into wind power.

The most recently developed technologies have brought the wind turbine wind produced energy that cost more are working effectively, and in General, more market compete with conventional energy technologies.Solar cells or photovoltaic cells, technologies have already been implemented in the pocket calculators, private property lighting, u.s. Coast Guard buoys and other areas.Because the costs, an increasing number of solar cells on the roofs of the housing and commercial buildings and building complexes. energy efficiency (the ratio between the amount of work required to ensure that their energy production compared with the real energy production) is steadily increasing.

Photovoltaic cells make absolute zero contamination during the generation of electricity.Photovoltaic cells, however, are not at the moment as cost-effectively as "tool" produced electricity. cells "PV" are not available at these amounts of the industrial production of to produce electricity.

Alternative energies of currents, tides, and temperature differences are ready for a new and dominant form of clean energy. ensuring such energy sources are centered around the problems with the deterioration of the metals in salt water, marine growth such as barnacles and storms in the past have been problems. However, these problems, for the most part, have been resolved by the use of other, better materials. Ocean-generated energy has a huge advantage because the time of the ocean currents and waves are well understood and reliable.

Vickie Adair is the senior technical writer on media a-team ( and also publishes as a freelance writer. She writes for a variety of websites such as, an online directory and news site for Houston production community and, a list of online business that sell or produce biological and/or natural products.