Wednesday, November 23, 2011

LEDs used to cure babies with jaundice

Much we talked about in Erenovable the advantages of lights LEDs. Light emitting diode not only consume less energy, emit more light than the compact fluorescent lamps without using mercury. But not only that: the LEDs are also used to help the babies that are born jaundice, a serious disease that can lead to brain damage and death if it is not properly.


A device called D-rev brilliance that is used to apply phototherapy with blue light, was used for the first time in a unit of neonatal intensive care in ogbomoso, Nigeria. The baby had been diagnosed with severe jaundice and needed a blood transfusion to prevent brain damage or death. But due to the low weight of the baby at birth we opted for the phototherapytreatment. After a night in an incubator under Brilliance began the recovery without the need for transfusion.

D-rev, the company of California makes that device Brilliance is working to bring this technology - as indeed in much cheaper than other devices in phototherapy- communities with extreme requirements in various developing countries, to enable the processing of the jaundice. This condition - if it detected in time - can be treated with 2-3 just days after the blue light in the baby's skin.

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