Sunday, June 26, 2011

Abengoa committed to the environment

Abengoa is a group of companies working in the fields of the energy, telecommunications, transport and the environment.

Currently it launches a new website in which he appealed to the whole of society, calls a daily commitment to the environment, requires greater energy savings.

If you go on your new website you will have access to high quality information, and can read articles and first-hand data.

The theme, which you like, all about the renewable energy and sustainability of a new model which is intended, a system of alternative energy sources that will less damage to the planet, based on natural resources.

Also throw us questions that help us to reflect on the current global system, on how we live and the consequences that can bring us. For example:

Can you imagine what would happen if suddenly stop flow oil or natural gas?

We must bear in mind that in the society in which we live we could classify humans as someone dependent on fossil fuels, actually 80% of the energy we use to level world belong to this variant.

Abengoa has created a space in this new blog so you can communicate all your thoughts on this matter, a place of exchange of knowledge.

You can also access through Twitter and Facebook, and discover other issues such as emerging trends in alternative energy, the consequences of the climate effect or how to get a planet more sustainable.

If you want to let us present your products, catalogs and announcements, we have advertising space to ensure that they reach all our readers. Write to contact Blogsfarm.



View the original article here